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Wk7 Pre-Production Meeting & Blog

Date: February 16th 8-9pm

Lists of each members’ roles:

Group member: Ray

  • Speaks in segments 1

  • Host of the podcast

Group member: Jiayi

  • Speaks in segments 2, 3

  • collects sources from all group members and makes a full list of References to be included on microsite

Group member: Yinda

  • speaks in segment 2

  • Identifies 3 images that can be used on microsite

  • chooses music to be added to podcast

Group member: Warren

  • speaks in segments 2 and 3

  • Creates microsite account at Wix and shares with group (microsite editor)

Group member: Kelly

  • speaks in segments 1, 2, 3

  • collects all the individual audio files and edits them together (podcast editor)


Roles and responsibilities for each member are represented above. For the recording, we decide to meet all at once on zoom so that it’s easier to edit the audio. Also, we are going to mainly talk about the phenomenon of breaking down traditions in Disney movies, which will be elaborated by three types of movies: fairy tales, star wars and superheroes. These three kinds of movies are just our three segments, and each will last 6-7 minutes. Besides, it will take 1.5 to 2 minutes to introduce the topics and 1 minutes to wrap up everything. In addition, music will be used to at the beginning and end part of the podcast.

To do list:

1. We should collect each members’ outline to the google doc, arrange it and assign it to the separate segment so that it looks more like a script.

2. Make the draft of our each individuals’ speaking in podcast

Following meeting date: February 19th 11:59pm

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