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Final Reflection Blog

Two transformative learning experiences

First, I have a better understanding of social construction of gender values. Initially, I didn’t realize how we unconsciously formed typical impressions about what men and women should be like before. However, when I watched the video from Sharpe and Wade and the speech from Kilbourne, I finally discovered that those things we take for granted can be explained by those interpretations. Also, I am shocked by the fact that advertisements utilize sexuality and regard women as objects to attract more attention. Those phenomena strengthen my understanding of social perceptions on gender values.

Moreover, I learnt how to be a better communicator and reader. Specifically, I found that not only articles or books are readings for us to look through, but media, such as podcastS and films also serve as great reading sources. I develop the skill of acquiring knowledge from diverse kinds of sources. Additionally, I become more engaged in reading, especially when I start to ask questions during reading and make annotations on important points to help me better understand those materials.

Two problems & plans for future

There are also numerous problems I struggle with throughout the quarter, but time issues and writing issues contribute to the biggest obstacles. Firstly, I didn't arrange my time well, especially for doing writing assignments. It has been so many times that I didn’t start to do it until the last minute. Even though most of the time I submitted it on time, I failed to do so several times. It’s a behavior of procrastination and I am trying to overcome it. In particular, I am going to regard the due date before the actual deadline for future assignments and force myself to do it ahead. Also, the time issue contains the problem of spending too much time on certain assignments because I will spend a lot of time thinking about how to begin with the words and organize the writing, which reduces my studying efficiency. I attempt to set up a time limit to create a stressful environment for myself to do it more efficiently.

Furthermore, I have difficulties composing my essays or other explanatory writings. For example, it is difficult for me to express my thoughts in English sometimes. Otherwise, it may not be easy for the audience to understand my words. This is what I should improve my skill of English expression. Moreover, I am not good at making the essays coherent and focused. It often occurs that I distract my content from the main idea or the connection between sentences is not natural. It suggests that I should reflect more about my written essays and improve it through revision.

32 次查看6 則留言


Kelly Deng
Mar 15, 2021

Hi Jiayi! I also have the issue of time management. I usually submit the assignment at the last minute. I agree with your thought that making a suppressing and pressure environment will make us do the work earlier. Also, I think we should increase our efficiency when writing. It is also a determinant factor. Lastly, I wan to say that I’m very happy to work with you as a team. Our whole group is really responsible for the job.


Hey Jiayi! I agree with you, this class has helped me grasp a better understanding of the term social construction. I am now aware of how society has affected our perception of gender roles. I am glad we both developed our understanding of how gender roles are socially constructed. Good luck next quarter! I wish you well in your finals and your classes next quarter.


Ruihan Wang
Ruihan Wang
Mar 15, 2021

Hi Jiayi!

I agree with what you said that it takes a long time to think about writing an article. I also have the same problem. It often takes me a long time to write articles, especially the first sentence. Because I don't know how to start, my method is, don't think too much, first write all you want to express, and then summarize, finally, write a suitable topic sentence. I hope my method can help you and have a good grade for final exams. 🙂


Ray Khan
Ray Khan
Mar 15, 2021

Hi Jiayi! I relate to how taking the course helped develop your understanding of social constructions. I also feel like I’ve gained a much deeper understanding of gender roles and public pedagogy through this class. I appreciate your honesty with your difficulty to express your thoughts in English, but you’re doing very well and making progress. I had a great time working with you, and I hope to see you in Writing 39B or 39C!


Kexin Zhang
Kexin Zhang
Mar 15, 2021

1. Hi Jiayi. Your two transformative learning experience are so great. I reckon that most of us have already had a better understand about social construction of gender values after watching those different types Disney films and articles about gender. Besides, it’s true that WR 39A course not only help us in our writing ability, but also develops our abilities in multimedia while creating Podcast and our Website. I noticed that you have a time issue on assignment, and I reckon that I could give you some advices since I’m good at time manager. You must start your homework in advance, and you must set a due date for yourself before the due day, which is your own due day…

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